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Bog pond - Estate Pond in MarkhamThis was a old pond that needed some serious updating. It was leaking really bad and a lot of patching and liner replacement was done. | Bog pond - statue water featureWe decided to incorporate one of the marble statues on the property and put it at the top of a small stream that falls into the upper gravel bog pond. Water flows from under the statue down a gravel stream with LED accent lights. | Bog pond - beforeThe upper bog pond before construction. You can see the original ultra thick concrete walls and old liner that was filled in and abandoned. | Bog pond - Upper bog gardenThis is the main filter of the pond. The skimmer takes out the leaves and debris, then it goes to Biofalls filters then into the bog gravel pond filter. | Bog pond - main pondThis is the main pond we retrofitted with new powerful pumps, hose and skimmers to handle the large amount of leaves. We rebuilt the fountain in the center of the feature. | Bog pond - 26000 gphWe added two 8000 gph pumps on one side and a 10000gph pump on the other side. Nice flow and lots of filtration! |
Bog pond - Biofalls filterWe installed two Aquascapes Grande Biofalls for maximum mechanical and biological filtration. They are kind of hard to disguise, but planting around them works well. When the ferns and hostas grow in, they will be completely covered. | Bog - pondThe marble statues on this property were incredible! We had to use one in our design. | Bog pond - patio viewWe view from the little patio that floats over the upper bog pond is great. It makes you feel like your sitting on a dock somewhere up north. | Bog pond - garden sanctuaryWe put a lot of plants around the bog filter and planted lots of aquatic plants in the bog garden. It turned out even better than we imagined.. | Bog pond - PlantingsAll planted up and complete.. | Bog filter - Aquatic PlantsWe planted Iris, Water celery, Pickerel rush, Parrots feather, Cardinal flower, and various sedges and reeds. |
20170527_190611 | 20170528_195345 | 20170527_190601 | Bog pond waterfall filtersThis is the upper bog pond filter system. Both waterfalls fall directly off, into into the deeper area of the bog pond for a robust waterfall sound and maximum aeration. The Aquascape Biofalls filters work with the entire upper bog pond to filter the water before it travels back to the main pond. | Bog pond - afterThe upper bog pond waterfall filters almost completed. It takes some pretty big pumps to get that kind of flow. I used three Aquascapes large pumps for this job. 2 highly energy efficient 4000-8000 gph pumps on the left and one 10000 gph tsurumi on the right. | Marble statue and streamThere was a marble statue just beyond the pond so we incorporated it into a small stream that flows between the falls. |
Old original waterfallI did some modifications to this and added some flow to different areas. | Bog pond rock wall spillwayThis is the rock wall that separates the bog pond from the main pond. There are two channels in this wall that allow the water from the upper bog pond flow into the main pond. | Pond netting catching the leavesThe Aquascape pond nets working well. The pond nets worked great until it rained. This weighted the leaves down way too much for the net to hold. Next year we are going to build a frame for the nets! | Granite pond rocksStill wasn't even close to what we needed to rock the upper bog pond! Matt hand trucked all those across the property! | Bog pond - upper wallThis is a long shot of the pond from the upper bog pond, looking down the other end. The pond was really messy and had to be drained. Hundreds of pounds of leaves and muck were removed! | Bog Pond DesignWe were originally going to build the rock wall around the waterfall filters. We decide they would work and look much better up in the bog pond. |
Aquascape skimmer concealed in rocksWe had to add a skimmer inside the concrete pond and disguised it somewhat with granite. Once some aquatic plants grow around the area, it will look much better. | Giant pond liner repairThere is Matt prepping and patching a 25' strip of liner over the new pond wall. The patch tape chemically bonds with the liner for an indestructible seam. |
(519) 781-3441
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